I was only on the hole $4 by the time I got everything. Not terrible.
I was only on the hole $4 by the time I got everything. Not terrible.
I am full of marshmallows
Two of my medals weren't awarded to me even though I logged in and checked them. Was it because I was on a different device??
Fun! I agree with the other person that the tunnel's pretty unintuitive (I expected it to control closer to some Sonic tunnel levels where holding right/left spins counter/clockwise) but other than that this is quite a little blast of a game.
Also I can't believe how many of these cars and other toys I recognize.
Text is REALLY small on the steamdeck but the little bit I played was really good!! I'll probably be playing this in bed for a while, haha.
Edit: I only managed to get past the first boss and a little into a second area before I died, but it started natively with no additional setup/fighting to get it to start. I had to set the controls (since Steam doesn't "know" the game yet) to be the default Gamepad Template in-deck. The only issue so far was a big drop in frames while it was loading the very first upgrade set, but all the ones after, and the boss trigger, were fine.
Got an almost 40 minute run, 64 powerups, 6 bosses beat, little hiccups. Runs the massive waves pretty solidly!
damnnn!! you have a steamdeck? did you get any other problems? that's awesomeee
Has good game feel. Got pretty far without realizing the Space dive was different from the Down dive I was using. I'm gonna come back once my fingers are less cramped, haha. I'd love an arrow key control option (with Z/X/C or X/C/Space for air controls); I'm pretty bad with WASD.
Edit: Nice! Arrow Controls. I ended up doing that as a binding and tried it out on my steamdeck. Still can't speedrun the car stage but I think I got everything else. Looottsss of secrets on the ceilings haha.
In the full game, there will be rebindable controls but for the scope of this tech demo it wasn't included. Also, there will be controller support if that's your thing too :-)
Glad you liked it! Hope you continue to play it and find more stuff! <3
oh wow i recognize that guy! best one so far
Heck yeah, great job to everyone!
Thanks for helping too!!!
This game is 97% gay (I saw option 3).
Who the fuck is Trash Can?!
I loved the original, cool to see a color version!! I had a bug pop up where the background colors overlaid the lines and then didn't export. Sad.https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/862376862130765844/934921053174628352/bug.png https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/862376862130765844/934921053438885908/petri.gif
Edit: Refreshed and it's still doing it :(
It worked the first time, now it's not.
wait thats really weird i need to check that out
I agree with the others where the RNG's kind of insane, since it doesn't feel like it ever gets more "difficult", you're just digging until you get a cluster you don't have the time to clear. It's a little nuts when stuff like this happens so early, though:
I had one of these walls happen as soon as I started, too, dying at a depth of 3. LMao right after posting this I died at a depth of 1. Amazing. I think I'll settle for 4th place. :,D
Totally agree, the RNG for the bombs can be a bit insane early on.
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