He has been fed already, no worries
A really solid clone, though it's missing a couple QoL modern Tetris has, and one even Tengen Tetris got right (pre-lock sliding). Tetrising to a dubstep song worked suprisingly well, too.
Also I have top score as of my post, yay.
This is really neat! I love the demo puzzles
Have you made any custom levels?
I died to me while taking a screenshot of me and it was glorious.
Ahaha I love the little animation that happens when you press the space bar. Also you're not late! His vacation lasts for 69 hours, so it's still active :3
Oh I'm glad lol
Also I'm surprised you found that animation
It was meant to be a mechanic but I ultimately changed the game to a Clicker
Neat! Great to be a part of this!!! (I'm floor 14 and I've got a secret!)
My dream of making one million rubber ducks for me and bf and Mr. Sus is dashed by the requirement of having a mouse. I have been offended by this attack on my person and will be speaking to a lawyer posthaste.
Piconjo <3s me, hahaha
Oh yes "this man is on fire" made it in. One of my favorites. I was wondering how some of those goofy sounds were going to be used and I didn't expect to see so soon.
I just had to use that one! <3
I don't know what I was expecting for an ending but 🎺
Idiot who draws and plays video games.
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Artist, Gamer
Joined on 4/19/21