I love the style and floaty jump physics d=====( ̄▽ ̄*)b
I love the style and floaty jump physics d=====( ̄▽ ̄*)b
Fun! Stuff broke for me on my first try (the stats menu was mostly unfilled with a little bit of placeholder text at one point, didn't cap it though) but it continued to function until I got into a battle: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/628737288968470538/838303271885471764/unknown.png
The opponents never got their turn and they died after me spamming my cards since my cooldown was apparently instant. I could continue to spam and the HP damage popped in the corner but I couldn't do anything otherwise. This was probably a softlock so I had to restart. I'd assume something happened to get my stats into an invalid state, but I don't know what that could've been.
Beat it on day 94 my next try! https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/628737288968470538/838315366643138561/unknown.png
My Pico ended up being a workaholic, poor guy.
Weird, can’t say I can think of what might’ve caused that glitch, but if you remember what you were doing around when it started glitching then send me a message.
And grats for beating the game! Workaholic is one way to go -- some people end up being gf simps, which I guess would make them gimps? At least you’re not that!
Pico-8 Funny
(this is fantastic, knowing the limitations of Pico-8, wow. Any chance of a cart or nah?)
Thanks! The carts will be released on the PICO-8 BBS sometime later today :)
Love the style! Could use some offset adjustment on the user side; whenever I felt like I was on time I was only getting OKs, but got some perfects while I knew I was stumbling. I'm gonna go dl the desktop version and drag in some of my osu charts though. :3c
I remember the first thing I programmed from scratch in AS2 was a dressup game. This brings back memories to a simpler time.
Idiot who draws and plays video games.
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Joined on 4/19/21