Idiot who draws and plays video games.
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Artist, Gamer


Joined on 4/19/21

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pepperly's News

Posted by pepperly - December 30th, 2021

Holy Bananas I hit 500 followers. I can't believe I've got half a grand of people with their eyes on me, and all in a matter of about 8 months. (Fun fact: the average person has less than 2 eyes). Thank all of y'all for your support! The amount of love Newgrounds has given me this year has been absolutely insane. I get so many nice comments and even a little bit of feedback. You guys are wonderful.


I got to do so much cool stuff thanks to the inspiration and community of this site!

I'd like to thank our wonderful Tom Fulp for the grand celebration of Pico Day, and me somehow placing second. This is still one of my favorite images of the year:

I used my $400 moolah to get myself a cool af new drawing tablet as my previous one's cords were going bad, giving me a lot of disconnection issues and flickering and bad colors when it was being finicky. Thank you so much, Mr. Fulp, and everyone who donated.


It's hard to see the rest of it because it's dark at 1pm here, wtf, but that's the screen! Check out my next project >:3c

It should be done in the next couple days, huehuehue.

Piconjo day and leading up to it was a blast too! I actually have a pretty heavy anniversary on the same day, so working on the Piconjo FNF mod leading up to it (which I'm still expanding!!!! mostly by myself!!! aaaa!!!) kept me from moping about and being a total bummer. I met some pretty cool peeps thanks to it (hello to AlgaeGhost, Fe, Emp, Spook, Scum, and every other cool person on the .hax server! 👋). Also the great and talented musicians Teravex and Anjer who you might've seen around are helping out with the music! Heck yeah!

Learning how to dig through someone else's code, and animate, and all the fun mod things, has been a fantastic experience. I learned so much from working on not only the Piconjo mod but also the IvnyRose mod.

A little while later I joined in on the Isometric Room Collab, adding my sona to Newgrounds probably Forever. Hahah.

I had a blast making a fantastic fake comic cover for Madness Day, also a learning experience. I didn't place but I still love how it turned out, and the wonderful comments from Krinkels and his comrades were enough for me. (No, I'm not making a comic, sorry :,D)

Hot Dog.

I did something quick and dirty, which I thought was mostly just for fun, and also got second place for the Podchan Art Contest! I didn't think about how 'community' this image was as I just did what felt natural, but it certainly touched the judges in a way I didn't expect!

Pretty sure I used this cash to buy the new Warioware game, huehuehue.

I worked hard for a while on the IvnyRose mod, making other uploads pretty slow, but my most recent Newgrounds Collab being for the Tankmas Advent calendar, and it's definitely the longest I spent on a single image probably ever. Definitely in recent memory. I wanted this to be the happy community image of heckling and cooperating and celebrating that I feel Newgrounds eminates on a daily basis, or at least what I feel like it does from the 8 little ol' months I've been here.

Especially thanks to the FNF team. Who knows where I'd be if it weren't for a silly little rhythm game, and ninjamuffin's unending praise of this site, both of which inspired me to take a deeper look and finally join this cool site. Wowsers. Thank you, Newgrounds, for being so awesome.


I feel like I've run out of things to say, so here's my project and personal "improvement" memes for this year. I don't think I've improved at all but I'm quite happy with what I've learned. Here's to a great 2022!! 🎉





Posted by pepperly - July 6th, 2021

I've got a Help Wanted post(er) up over here:




You can see a peek on its progress there too, even if you can't music.


remember, Jerkoffman <3s j00




Posted by pepperly - July 2nd, 2021





Posted by pepperly - June 9th, 2021

Or in the Animate scenes, and CSP files, as it were. This is going to be a little less formal than normal, as it's going to be full of sketches and scrapped content! Also since the only hands that were involved in this in the long run were a certain Piconjo and a certain Pepperly, I get to make a PP joke right here: Peepee. Ohhohohohoh

Welcome to Friday Night Funkin vs Piconjo: Lost Bits!

If you haven't checked out the mod, I have everything you need to see over here:

Remember to like, comment, and subscribe!! Over 69% of viewers--

Anyway, I just want to show off some stuff you wouldn't see otherwise, since a lot of random brainstorming went into this and idk this could be interesting for someone.

Some of my original sketches and poses. Gremlin Rumble Piconjo (piconjo-v in the files) is mostly based off of these. While I don't mind the gestures overall, in gameplay they ended up way too weak.


Second-pass sketches done in Animate. I drew off these in particular, though I'm fairly iterative with my process, so it's still not quite how they ended up in-game. I update lines and motions as I go because I prefer going with what "feels good" and tweaking it from there.


I had already had most of the spriting/animation done at this time, so he looks more solid here. I capped some of his movements from Rumble for inspiration and I especially like how goofy his wind-up left pose is.


Rumble Piconjo animations. I worked and reworked Up rather than cloning it and restarting, so only this version exists, but I remember being settled on it for a couple days and going back to it He leaned back much farther at some point. I hated the kick animation in-game. I think I went with the V2s of everything for release.


In the end I wasn't entirely pleased with how it looked, and a day or two before the Virgin v Chad meme Piconjo posted I started reworking him from scratch after reading that Piconjo was no longer a fan of the Rumble look. This was a super early version (his hair isn't even filled in all the way), and while it was ... okay, I still wasn't really settled. This is really rough and I'm overall less happy with it than the above one, so that one got released as the Rumble version instead.


Around this point, I had asked or was planning to ask permission to use the song, and wanted to do a "Loves You" special animation comparable to the Hey and Cheer animations of BF and GF respectively. That up pose evolved into the *gestures at crotch* pose that Real Piconjo gets. The left Down pose here inspired the above pose, since I think I was playing with the layering animation.


I edited the Menu Art at this point, removing the bullets on his chest belt thing (I don't have records of that).Once I was aware of the Virgin vs Chad meme, I dropped everything but the background.


Which I dropped later anyway. I hate this with a passion. It's not even a good base. The skybox was nice though, so I kept that, but I hated this room setting. Something about the portal being in a room? I don't know. Once I joined the Piconjer Pals discord I'd later asked what teh Pr0ta1 looked like, and was given quite an image. I wasn't up for drawing that when the FNF fandom is so inundated with a huge amount of children, and also I knew I'd host gameplay on Youtube, so I was inspired by the original image to turn it into the wasteland you see in-game.


Here's a sketch of how I was going to tweak the V2 Piconjo, paired with what ended up being the Real Piconjo. These sketches came a lot easier than my previous attempts and I knew I was on a roll. His proportions are loosely referenced from Earthworm Jim, also a cheery Left pose sketch.


And I don't have any lost animations for this version of Piconjo, other than a few cases of tweaked legs (you can see the difference in the meme image from last Newspost).

Also! I'm on the wallpaper too. Thanks for letting me join @prosciuttoman & @piconjo and all the Piconjer Pals


I did this in like 10 minutes tops, ahaha.



Posted by pepperly - June 1st, 2021





Posted by pepperly - May 27th, 2021

Wow, this place is just a never-ending bowl of serotonin flakes.

Holy moly, however, the biggest serving is how I am still floored that placed in Pico Day's art section. There was SO much good art that I wasn't even expecting to place, let alone get second? First place was the 7th thing I favorited since joining a month and a half ago, and they 100% deserved that honor, and I'm somehow listed right below it??? I'm now a part of Newgrounds history or something. Intense. ヾ(⌐■_■)ノ♪ Thank you for all the love sent my way!

Also I've acquired almost 100 fans in less than two months!? I didn't even promo myself much from other places so you guys have all been natural growth. I don't think I've managed that much growth anywhere else in even a year.

And then there's all these other little things I've earned, too. Mostly the medals (at least the ones that save) and the profile numbers/badges/etc. It's like trophy chasing in PSN/Steam but with less frustration.

I stalk the Under Judgement movie section the most on here, because sometimes there's these dumb little gems that get a chuckle out of me. Notably I think I've seen like 5 or 6 different versions of that "Stop Posting About Among Us" meme animated by different people, and for some stupid reason the underwear bit gets me every time. I don't even play Among Us and the movie section got me to be a "fan".

I reached 1000+ total Blam/Save points recently. I had a few more blams than saves for a long time, but Saves have torn ahead by a couple hundred points, hurray. I even managed to get a Bronze Whistle recently, though I was a little wary that I haven't been reporting the endless minecraft/roblox/fnf gameplay videos properly. Stolen content since they didn't make any of the assetts? Spam becuase it's not animation? Who knows.

I'd like collecting the game medals a little more but for some reason they won't always save? I beat Pico's School twice and none of the medals s saved, messed around in Pico Dress Up for a few minutes and got nothing, too. Kinda strange. It makes my medal collection look bad. I swear I've earned a bit more than it shows.

Also the General board is HILARIOUS, y'all are crazy.

Anyway, thanks again for being a fun place to join, Newgrounds. ☜(゚ヮ゚☜) Happy to be a part of it all. There's just so much cool talent and I'm loving absorbing it all in.



Posted by pepperly - May 7th, 2021

I leave for a couple hours to do some errands, and not only do I blaze pass the big five-oh, I'm just about to hit 60 fans!? In the two and a half weeks since I've made this account, I've got three(!?!?) front page trophies and so many really nice comments. Y'all bring me to tears.

Thanks for being awesome, Newgrounds. You've been making a dumb ol' fart feel good about themselves.

Past 75 fans, 5 front pages. Wowie!


Thank you!



Posted by pepperly - May 1st, 2021

o|-< I was frontpaged


thanks for the attention, gonna go die now, happy Pico Day!


got FP'd again, while I was asleep. Thanks ; ___;




Posted by pepperly - April 25th, 2021

It ended up a lot busier than I had planned, lmao. Also you can't see ~40% of it up there! Whatever.

Here's a full view.


Most of them were style tests or self-inflicted challenges done because I like the source material, and maining Perpsona for almost 5 years really makes doodles inspired by my interests add up. This is my third iteration, and I'm still not really satisfied with it, but I like it better than my Flowscape cap so here it is. I'll... probably change it again soon enough though, maybe to something a little more chill. We'll see.

From top to bottom / left to right in chunks:

  • Detective Pikachu wrinkly face meme
  • Sonic comics No Fun Allowed meme
  • Vib Ribbon (this is one frame of a wiggly gif)
  • Animal Crossing
  • Animal Crossing (again, amiibo card style, 3D modeled as well as I could do with bad 2D refs)
  • Bugsnax
  • Kingdom Hearts (Nomura style)
  • Friday Night Funkin' (I'm working on a mod I'm probably never going to have the guts to release publicly*)
  • Puyo Puyo (PP Tetris, specifically)
  • Tsum Tsum
  • Final Fantasy (I guess?? outfit's partially stolen from some rando NPC in FFXIV, not that I've played it, heh)
  • Tankman / Tanksona (also arguably FNF)
  • Persona (I think this is specifically 5)
  • The World Ends With You
  • Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance (as a Dreameater)
  • Night in the Woods
  • Final Fantasy Theathrythm (sketch I never really finished)
  • Animal Crossing (again, rip)

Also hello, lmao. I've been a non-registered on-and-off visitor for like 15+ years, I'm not really sure that my art really suits the site's culture, which is why I never joined until now, but because of FNF and some random "it's better than deviantart" comments in another couple communities I'm in, I actually gave the place a deeper look than just some random videos, so here I am.

I hunted down some favorite Flash stuff from over the years to watch and collected a couple. I'm still looking for this one FF7 vid where Barret(?) talks about Tifa's "large tracks of land" a la Monty Python, but I haven't been able to locate it just based on that memory alone. It's likely about as old as that FF Tribute Chocobo Remix (and early Homestar Runner, also it should be older than There She Is), so it'd be originally published somewhere around 2001/2002 the latest. I'm also not sure it was ever on here anyway, since I didn't have internet back then and was just shown random vids my friends liked when I dropped by, but feels like a perfect fit. If it's here I'm sure I'll come across it eventually; it's kinda surprising how much old stuff I've come across just by doing whatever the NG equivalent to wiki-walking is.


*Hesitatingly, I'd like to admit the last time I seriously dinked around in Flash/Animate, it was still Macromedia Flash... It changed a lot less than I was expecting, really.
